
Experience Microsoft Surface

There are many innovative gadgets in the market. Software and hardware, now offer a lot of excitement. Imagine the ideal combination of hardware and software. The result – Microsoft Surface. You may go though the many videos on Internet to experience Microsoft Surface features. These videos released by Microsoft deal with real life applications and not simple PowerPoint presentations. Seeing is believing.

Intelligent tables? Yes. They will be. Imagine you going to a restaurant and place a wine glass on the table which is actually a Microsoft Surface. The wine menu appears. You select the wine of your choice and the order is received by the staff, without a single word of verbal communication. And only one needs to order? No. This accepts multiple ‘touch’ and many people may select the item on the menu and drag the item they want to order with their fingers to place the order. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide has tied up with Microsoft to enable you to experience Microsoft Surface in their place.

Another demo shows how to experience Microsoft Surface by comparing two mobile phones. Just place a mobile phone on the Microsoft Surface. The system identifies the same (probably with a special barcode?) and displays the specifications and prices. You place another mobile phone on the Microsoft Surface. The specifications for this are also shown. When you slide the mobile phones together, a comparison of both is shown, to enable you to decide to buy the one that suits you.

Today’s computers allow you to have multiple applications in multiple windows. But they may have only one key board and one mouse. And only one person can operate at a time. If you want to watch photo album on your computer along with three or four of your friends, just imagine every one trying to see them. Microsoft Surface allows people to sit across in different positions and watch the images. Spread the photos across the Microsoft Surface and any one can pull photos towards them like you pull physical photos, with fingers. Turn them as you like. You can zoom in or zoom out just by pulling the opposite corners of the image with your hands. Can you wait to experience Microsoft Surface? You can even play multiple videos on the surface just by tapping the video file with your finger, like we do now with a mouse!

In future, you can experience Microsoft Surface even with your digital camera. You take pictures on your digital camera. There will be no need to connect the USB cable or upload through Bluetooth or wireless. Just place the digital camera on the Microsoft Surface and watch the images on the surface. We bet you are eager to experience Microsoft Experience.